3 Feb 2016


Modifier 76: Represents a repeat procedure by the same physician on the same day.


As per Medicare when two physicians in the same group with the same speciality performing repeat services on the same day are considered as the same physician. Then we have to append modifier 76 with the subsequent repeat procedure within the same day.


Same Physician Eg: When a physician order 2 views of chest x-ray at 10 am and due to medical necessity he orders for another 2 views of chest x-ray at 11 am on the same day, then it’s must append modifier 76 with the subsequent repeat procedure code. Stating that it’s the same procedure repeated by the same physician


DOS:       1/1/2019     Both chest X- rays were ordered by the same physician.


10 am       71046

11 am       71046 – 76



Same speciality physicians Eg: When a physician (A) order 2 views of chest x-ray at 10 am and due to medical necessity another physician (B) order for another 2 views of chest x-ray at 11 am on the same day both the physician belongs to the same speciality, Even though we have to use modifier 76 with the subsequent repeat procedure code. Stating that it’s the same procedure repeated by the same physician as per Medicare guidelines.


The number of times that the procedure was repeated on the same day would be reported with appropriate modifiers on separate line items.


Eg: When a physician (A) order 2 views of chest x-ray at 10 am and due to medical necessity he orders for another 2 views of chest x-ray at 11 am and 12 pm on the same day, append modifier 76 with the subsequent repeat procedure codes.


DOS:       1/1/2019      all the 3 chest X- rays were ordered by the same physician.


10 am       71046

11 am       71046 – 76

12 pm      71046 – 76




It’s inappropriate to use modifier 76 with any Lab codes, for repeat laboratory test within the same day - Use modifier 91 instead of 76.  


It’s inappropriate to use modifier 76 with subsequent repeat procedure due to technical fault or equipment issue.


It’s inappropriate to use modifier 76 with subsequent repeat procedure but at different anatomic site (Right & Left or upper & lower part), use modifier 59.


Eg: 93970 – upper extremity and lower extremity duplex scan of vein performed on the same day at different sessions. It’s more appropriate to use modifier 59 instead of modifier 76


Modifier 77: Represents a repeat procedure by the different physician on the same day.


Eg: When a physician (A) order 2 views of chest x-ray at 10 am and due to medical necessity another physician (B) belongs to another speciality order for another 2 views of chest x-ray at 11 am on the same day, then it’s must append modifier 77 with the subsequent repeat procedure code. Stating that it’s same procedure repeated by another physician.


Note: Physicians belong to same group speciality have to be considered as same physician and have to use modifier 76 instead of 77.


Eg: When a physician (A) order 2 views of chest x-ray at 10 am and due to medical necessity he order for another 2 views of chest x-ray at 11 am and different physician (B) order at 12 pm on the same day,


DOS:       1/1/2019      First 2 chest X- rays were ordered by the same physician and the 3rd one was ordered by a different physician not belongs to the same speciality.


Physician (A)       10 am      71046

Physician (A)       11 am      71046 – 76

Physician (B)       12 pm      71046 – 77


Eg: When a physician (A) order 2 views of chest x-ray at 10 am and due to medical necessity he orders for another 2 views of chest x-ray at 11 am and different physician (B) order 2 views of chest x-ray at 12 pm and 4 pm on the same day,


DOS:       1/1/2019      First 2 chest X- rays were ordered by the same physician and 3rd and 4th chest rays were ordered by a different physician not belongs to the same speciality on the same day.


Physician (A)       10 am      71046

Physician (A)       11 am      71046 – 76

Physician (B)       12 pm      71046 – 77

Physician (B)       04 pm      71046 – 77


Note: For each additional time the procedure was performed, the code is repeated with Modifier 77 added. Do not use the ‘units’ field to indicate that the procedure was performed more than once on the same day.